Making a Positive Impact

Empower expecting mothers and their children by donating to our resource center, offering essential services and brighter futures through your generosity.


Two Strategically Placed Locations

Of Clients Choose Life
0 %
Women Helped Daily
To Save A Life*
$ 0

*vs. other centers – up to $10,000

Helping Moms and Babies in a Better Way

Promoting Healthy Families

Your support ensures that expecting mothers have access to essential resources. These resources contribute to the well-being and resilience of both mothers and children during and long after their pregnancy in order to thrive and be nurturing, self-sufficient parents.

Strength-Based Services

Offering medical grade pregnancy tests, state of the art ultrasounds, confidential counseling, adoption referrals, parenting & relationship classes as well as operating and coordinating our Crib Club.

Education & Understanding

Your contributions enable us to offer educational classes on maternal health and parenting, creating a supportive environment where expectant mothers and their families can thrive.

Your Donations Make
A Difference

Each donation leads to more life-saving stories like those above.
Photo Credit: Anne Siemens